The Value of Giving (Part 1)

 In Current Blog

September 22, 2015
By: Julie Szasz

Blogging is not just a writing on the wall; it’s giving back.

It’s sharing intimate feelings, personal thoughts or deep secrets.

Reading all these blogs about other AYAs living with cancer is a gift on a page.

Today I am thanking all of you. I am grateful for your courage and your poise to write and share with us that bad day or that beautiful illumination you had.

Writing can be liberating. It can help us release some of that anxiety that we carry so heavily. It can be a safe place where we unveil our most private part of our self, but also that fearless and sassy side. It’s a good place to use our voice and call out what bothers us. It allows you to leave a legacy behind. Writing for this community lets you pour your heart out where it counts. It makes YOU matter.

I am thankful for the readers. When you know someone read your blog, it’s like a big warm hug. And we really love those hugs!

Reading is occasionally the only thing we can do. It’s comforting to read the words of someone going through something similar. At times, it helps release fears and “normalize” what’s happening. Reading blogs does not take a long attention span, which we all struggle with from that chemo brain!

Sometimes blogging is the only link we have with the exterior world for a while; when we are confined to our bed and feeling tired or recovering from surgeries and treatments. It gives us that sense of belonging and community we all need. It takes us outside our home. It’s sometimes like a visit to our best friend’s, where we sit, talk and laugh over wine. Because, every so often your writings are funny! And other times, they’re sad and help us put words to what we are going through and feeling.

But mostly, blogging is full of hope! As long as we can read each other and share our day with you, it makes this community worthwhile and sustainable.

Thank you for giving back!

Big and warm hugs,


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