Featured Fighter – Lynn Manwar

 In Current Blog

June 29, 2013
By: Lynn Manwar


Name: Lynn Manwar
Age: 40
Hometown: Toronto
Occupation: Program Manager and Blogger
Diagnosis: Thyroid Cancer and Breast Cancer
If you were a professional boxer or wrestler, what would your name be?


My first fright was being told that I could possibly have cancer just a mere week after university graduation. It was confirmed to be thyroid cancer in the Spring of 1997. I was only 24 at the time and had just accepted a job in Japan weeks earlier. I was more upset about the possibility of not going to Japan than I was about having cancer.

My second fright was being told I had breast cancer on December 20th, 2011, and how chemotherapy puts one into early menopause. It scared me because I didn’t have children yet and one of my dreams was to have a family.


My first fight with cancer involved two surgeries and a radioactive iodine pill treatment, and being isolated in the hospital for 3 days. While in isolation, I visualized myself finishing a year working in Japan and having my employer thank me at the end of my employment. Three weeks after cancer treatment, I went to live and work in Nagano, Japan. More importantly, I got to attend the Opening Ceremony of the Nagano Winter Olympic Games and travel around Asia. Cancer did not stop me from pursuing my dreams the first time around.

My second fight with cancer involved chemotherapy, surgery and radiation. It was a seamless and smooth experience!


When I was told I had cancer the second time around, I decided it was not something I was going to battle alone! I shared my news and cancer journey openly on social media and asked for support from the community. I always had people show up at chemo sessions to keep me company, had deliveries of food at home, and had people share their DVDs with me which kept me entertained.

Having my community behind me kept me busy, and to be honest, I forgot I had cancer. It somehow magically disappeared from my world. I had so much to live for, and the caring of others lifted me up. Being in and with community was the best medicine for me.

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