Featured Fighter – Tristan Williams

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Name: Tristan A Williams
Age: 24
Hometown: Montreal, Qc
Occupation: Founder of the Tristan WilliaMS Foundation & Gentle Warrior Motivation
Diagnosis: Metastatic Thyroid Cancer 2002, Metastatic Thyroid Cancer of the bone 2012
If you were a professional boxer or wrestler, what would your name be?

I am afraid that my death and demise will come before I reach the age of 40. I am afraid of allowing the power of fear to dictate my life. I am afraid of the lack of knowledge and understanding that surrounds this disease. I am afraid that the information that can help save us all is lost in the confusion. I am afraid that I will lose the people that I have grown to love. I am afraid that my efforts won’t be enough. I am afraid to lose the fight.

I fight to defeat the odds. I fight to defy the stereotypes and expectations that rest upon my shoulders. I fight to live and see another day. I fight to prove and testify that with love, honesty, dedication and faith anything is possible. I fight for all of the people that look to me for inspiration. I fight for ME. I fight to WIN.

If death is my greatest fear, then living life should be my greatest enjoyment. Jumping into the realm of the unknown can lead to great change and opportunity. I will not let my fears suppress my potential to be the best Tristan A Williams that I can be.

I hold onto the hands that support me to keep going. I hold onto the hands that push me forward on the days that I doubt myself. I hold onto my family, my cancer community, for hope and inspiration. I look to my peers for hope and understanding on the days that I am lost. This disease will not break me. I will not be broken by my fears. I will not be discouraged by my doubt. I will rise above all of the obstacles that I encounter along my journey. I am forever grateful to find understanding and solitude in my life. Thank you to my cancer community, thank you mi familia!!

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