
 In Current Blog

September 3, 2013
By: Sarah Labelle

I was recently admitted to hospital with severe pain in my upper abdomen. Seeing as I had not really had any scans in months and was almost finished my second shot at chemo, this was a real concern. What were they going to find? Had it spread further than just to the bone? How was I going to tell my kids and my family? What treatment would I have to fight through this time?

Turns out I had gallstones which had irritated my pancreas that was already hot ‘n’ bothered thanks to an uncommon side effect of my weekly chemo. I was in the hospital for 5 days when, by fluke, I bumped into my surgeon in the hallway. Thank goodness she is amazing and has a great memory for patients!

She looks at me and says, “What are you doing here?” To which I reply, “No one told you? I specifically told them at least three times to tell you I am here!” She tells me to go back to bed, she will read my file and come to my room. A few minutes later she is in my room explaining how she amazingly had a cancellation for that Friday afternoon and she had just put my name in that spot.

This was on its way to being resolved – the problem was, surgery makes me really nervous, and I was having a hard time sleeping. Then, someone from CanSupport asked if I would like a Reiki session. I was not really one to do something like that, that seemed “odd,” but I thought, “I will give it a shot. It can’t hurt, right?”

I waited patiently as my surgery was delayed, then I heard a quiet little knock at the door.
I was told that this lovely lady was here for my Reiki session, and was it a good time? I replied that it was as good a time as any: I could use some relaxation for sure!

As she put on music I closed my eyes and relaxed, and I could feel the energy from her moving in my body. I felt as if I were floating on a cloud with electric energy flowing freely through my body. I am not sure if I fell asleep, but if I did, I had the best nap ever. When I slowly felt myself coming back I was so relaxed and in tune with my body. All the anxiety that had built up was gone!

I thanked her, astonished. I had never felt current like that in my body. She smiled and wished me luck. Less than five minutes later the orderly arrived to take me down for surgery.

I had the surgery, no surprises: three tiny incisions, and best of all she had the chance to look me over a little and saw no signs of tumors anywhere else! I was home Saturday afternoon resting with my children all close by.

I would suggest for everyone to try Reiki at least once, I will be doing it again for sure!

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